Digital media platforms and options are multiplying at a dizzying rate  but what are just fads that will be forgotten in 6 months and what are truly value adding activities that the business can’t do without?

dFusion cuts thru the hype and packages the right solution for our clients’ specific needs, from setting up and optimising digital ad campaigns to managing social media properties for top global brands, our track record shows top performance against global benchmarks as measured by Google APAC*



The essence of interactive marketing is the seamless integration of consumer touch points across traditional, digital and physical platforms. Mass advertising has the reach, but not the engagement. Life engagement creates stronger bonds, but is difficult to scale. Digital media bridges the gap, providing mass customised experiences.

dFusion orchestrates a synergistic blend of multimedia engagement to achieve our clients’ objectives. For over 10 years, we have worked with traditional advertising agencies and run extensive digital campaigns to find audiences and guide them to life events and physical stores to see demonstrations, attend workshops, conduct test drives and buy products. Conversely, we use digital media to keep in touch with participants at our live events, building on initial brand interest to create long-lasting loyalty over time. 



For so many reasons, life engagement and interactions remain the most impactful way of reaching consumers. While we all love our smartphones and internet connections, there’s no substitute for a hug, a handshake or a smile from someone standing in front of you. In addition despite the growth of digital channels, most business transactions, especially in emerging markets, still take place off line.

dFusion’s international standard Live Engagement & Interactions practice creates talk-of-the-town launch events, in-store activities that lead to measurable sales, and road shows that bring our clients’ messages to wider audience in the most impactful manner possible. 



Data, data, data, the world is awash with data. Big data. Very big data. Enormous data.

But how many marketing organisations are really making the best use of their data? Structured and analysed properly, data can be a powerful tool for brands, providing insights for creating better customer experiences, increasing sales, and establishing long-term loyalty. Alternatively, marketers can also spend lots of money to create large databases with unreliable information and meaningless graphs that only serve to take up time at long boring meetings.

 dFusion’s combination of marketing, technology, strategy and quantitative skills untangle the challenges in making big data (or even little data) work for practical marketing ends. Our customised solutions have been proven time and time again, empowering global consumer brands from entertainment to automotive turn customer intelligence into bottom-line profits.